Generate More Leads With a Better Blog

If you have a blog, and you aren’t generating enough good leads for your business it could be impacting your income. You may be getting a bit of traffic. However, it is it the wrong traffic, then it won’t do you much good. You may have to go in and tune your blog until you start achieving the desired results. Fortunately, it is usually easy to pinpoint the problem areas and fix them.

Here are a few things that you might want to try to generate more leads.

Sales Leads

Make Everything Clear

If you have a main website as well as a blog, you will want to make sure that you expand your branding from your site to your blog. With the WordPress themes available, you should have no trouble getting a quality blog up and running that matches the look and feel of your website. This clarifies things for customers. They know they are dealing with the same business when they go from your blog to your site or vice versa. Make the blog a sub domain of your website. This way, one will be able to feed off the SEO success of the other.

Keep it Short

Your posts should be to the point. You do not need to drone on for several thousand words in a post when four hundred or five hundred words would do. You don’t need four hundred words when two hundred would suffice either. Some people are going to have shorter attention spans than others will, so it’s a good idea to keep your content short and sweet.

Use Good Titles

You want the title to be punchy, short, and memorable. It should give an idea of what the content in the post is going to be about, and you need to deliver on that promise that you make in the title.

Be Consistent with Content and Scheduling

You want to have high quality content all the time. You never know when it is someone’s first visit to your site. If you have a throwaway post that doesn’t add any value, or that is mean-spirited, chances are you are going to lose that potential customer.

In addition, you need to have a schedule for updating your blog, and you need to keep to that schedule. This helps to keep readers. Retention is important. Visitors that continue to return to your site are going to be more likely to use your services or product.

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