5 Software That You Should Keep Up-To-Date

Software companies are constantly updating their software. New features may be added, bugs may be fixed and security holes may become closed. Regardless of the reasons for the update, it is usually a good idea to review the updates and determine if you should update the software.

For some software, however, it is a good idea to install the updates, mainly because of security concerns. The software listed below are well-known to be exploited for security holes, or help keep your computer free from malware.

5 Software That You Should Keep Up-To-Date

Software You Should Update

Below is a list of software that you should keep updated. This list is in addition to updating your operating system, and similar to operating system updates, you should regularly update the software listed below.

  1. Security Software. This software includes any antivirus, antimalware, antispywhere, as well as software firewalls. Many people are probably good at keeping their antivirus software update, and such updates are usually automatic. For antimalware, and antispyware, you will usually need to run the software for them to become updated. For software firewalls, you may be prompted for an update, and should review the changes and if the update includes security updates, you should proceed with the update.
  2. Web Browser. Web browser developers regularly release patches that close known security holes, so keeping your browser updated will help keep you protected while online. Also, you may also want to upgrade to the latest version when you are able to, but as long as you keep updated with security patches, upgrading to the next major release can be put off for a bit, especially if you use plugins that aren’t yet compatible with the new version.
  3. Adobe Flash. Many web sites use Flash for presentation, which makes Adobe Flash an important piece of software for getting the most from the Web. Unfortunately, Flash is also commonly targeted by hackers so there are constantly security patches being developed. It is very important that when you receive notice of an update to Flash that you go ahead and install the update.
  4. Adobe Reader. Similar to Adobe Flash, Reader is also targeted by hackers on a regular basis. The best solution to using Adobe Reader is to use an alternative reader. If you can’t switch readers, then you will need to keep Adobe Reader fully patched, to ensure you reduce the number of security risks presented by the PDF reader.
  5. Java. Some websites use Java, while some others don’t. If you visit websites that don’t utilize Java, then I recommend you uninstall Java from your system. If you need Java installed, then ensure you keep up-to-date with the patches that are released.

If you have the above software installed, you should ensure that you keep them updated to the latest version to help keep your computer secure.

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